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Writer's pictureRachel Kan

Re-use, Rental and Repair


This is NOT the Circular Economy on its own ... it is a great and brilliant part of it - yet if we are simply cycling linear product it is still on a degenerative pathway.

Before you go on the warpath with me/us - I do think its a great start and a good thing to mitigate the stuff we actually have created - but end of use when its finished and no one loves it anymore - it has been patched, to an inch of its existence, maybe turned into some kind cool catwalk rag of which no one will ever wear - maybe ironically on the red carpet a few times... whats next ? Maybe will sit in a museum if it is particually iconic -

Not all stuff can be valued in that way either .. most is like oven gloves, kids hoodies, pants, toasters- stuff people USE and at the moment holds little to no 'value'.

Thats what we must ask as innovators, as designers, as business owners big or small corporations...

Whats next ?

Where is the next value in every part of the use cycle and the next and the next and the next ... What are we cycling as a part of the 'whats next' Is this a toxin that will be released when another process occurs? - what is in everything that is in everything that is in everything ? - not just at procurement but at each 'next use' interlude what could be released, and next possible re-manufacture .. and so on and so forth.

We work on all these conundrums, turning off the tap on linearity all together - I believe that RRR is a brilliant part to keep items in motion, to share, to repair and create a model that is based on non ownership (if one can get the economics right aside from luxury only ) ..

It is however Innovation that needs to now become a focal point - innovation not just in materials, in products design for deconstruction, for the next use cycle and the evolution of the items. Just as important is the innovation on business models and new economics that need to work alongside the product innovation itself ... How do we make less - make it last AND create workable businesses? Thats the great problem we love to solve.

The Circular Economy is not one or each of those parts, it is the entire whole systems process that needs to be applied ... One can have a circular material and thats important, but if the item it is designed into is not thought about in terms of design for evolution both in its first state right to its re-manufacture and beyond .. it is still not fully circular.

It takes massive thinking and adjustment to the business model, Finance models as we can no longer extract from nature willy nilly.

It takes being able to zoom right in the the tiny details of each material - beyond the mill or processor .... and then being able to zoom right up into the larger layers of business, commerce and into how it interacts with other industry - and where it could go next .. it needs connections that you may not know you need yet to work on designing the next use elements- and securing deals to do so.

We as a firm are able to help you move into this space .. a space of Real Circularity for your ideas ... a more informed... a systems thinking mindset and practice to apply to your work.

Boutique consultancy with Circular Earth for mid to larger businesses

Innovators circle for small to mid size -giving a group consultancy with one to one elements

Academy for professionals inside the industry, consultants, freelancers in any discapline & open to students/graduates.

To get started buy our book, it is NOT a thesis it is a lovely easy read for busy people.

Photo at the Materials Matter Fair with Studio Sanne Visser experimenting with Human Hair ... tough enough for a tug O war session.

Photocredit My My Photography

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