Join us on the Journey to sustainable and regenerative fashion futures
Welcome to our Circular Earth connections - sharing with you what's happening in the consultancy Circular Earth and our collaborative The Ecosystem Incubator.
Pictured: Our founder Rachel Sheila Kan gives a talk with Olivia Pinnock & Gloria Sandrucci at the Pure London event. We love to talk Circularity, Vegan sustainability, Regenerative structuring and more .. check for details on talks.
Consulting, Brand design & Product Development: Circular Earth
Our founder Rachel has been in the fashion industry for over two decades and she loves to work with forward thinking creative brands that are committed to sustainability. This is why she founded Circular Earth ( ) - a sustainable fashion consultancy.
We will be starting up our Mastermind in September / October - where we coach you and introduce you to the right people for your business who are fit to purpose... saving you time and energy. Giving you 3/4 calls a month and what's app hotline. This can be done in Multi product niche or in footwear.
We look now at our collaborative consultancy and brand building niche, were we can bespoke build your brand from its essence, circular points right through to product development and brand development.. giving you the very best platform to launch your brand and make it fully operational .. for bespoke brand creation - and to be linked with the right collaborative of consultants and players. set up a meeting on out booking link.
Our associate Alicia Lai has joined us as Sustainable footwear development queen, we have been working on some amazing ideas recently.. alongside Branding and business development with Simon Hedley .
Evolution of the Forest: The Ecosystem Incubator
The Ecosystem Incubator ( ) is something we are deeply passionate about.
We are opening out tot he next 100 collaborators inside the ecosystem this month .. Join today and use code ECOSYSTEM100 to get your first month free .. and legacy account. with thanks to our tech collaborators Wondr. Check out our video here..
We have been working on the fundamentals of communication and building into the collaborative co-creations, which include bottom up co-created brands, collaborative consultancy, streamlining and indeed opening up for our education and nurturing section, where those who want to try on more knowledge on the subject with in transition inside their main job, start a brand or switch careers.. we will be hosting regular coffee mornings to aid the transition for newbies in sustainability.
We also gave out an award to one of the great students of the UCA alongside other industry brands and professionals.. It was a great day and we look forward to welcoming the winner into The Ecosystem to work inside our niche 'trees' and giving her a mentor session. Was great to see the likes of Raeburn joining on zoom to also give away awards.
With Thanks ...
We work in the spirit of the gift and with gratitude
Thanks to all of our Interns the past 6 months, You have all helped us so much in forwarding on the journey. Thanks to the team at Pure (Hyve group), For having us share on two events and making us feel so welcome. And many many Thanks to the team inside the community project in Bromley, Greener and Cleaner for the great and creative day discussing the education project.
Check out our new events page
This week we will be at Ideas fest - If you are down there give us a holler, we love new ideas and the event is geared up to sustainable speakers. (4th and 5th Aug)
We will be hosting a virtual fabrics showcase inside the ecosystem - for outer reference .. showcasing a great new venture in waste and 2nd life as well as regenerative naturals. (Sept 2nd )
We are working on our IRL event Fresh Flow as we speak which will be on 09-09 .. 9am till 9pm .. come on down and try on new ideas, ways of doing business with us and others in the business space. For overseas guests, drop us an e-mail and we can facilitate a virtual link for a donation to charity. (09th Sept)
Catch Rachel any time on her Coffee link up zoom to discuss your sustainable fashion business options wither with consultancy or being involved in The Ecosystem Incubator.
We will be in Central London for at least two days a week - .. so If you want to meet in the real world - feel free to get In touch via e-mail and find out our schedule.