Fashion Mastermind
6 months to move your business forward.
This is the best way for many people to start working with us. We will connect for an hour each week for a minimum of 6 months by zoom or phone. During this time we can cover what you and your business needs most. Usually this includes Business Strategy / Real Circularityâ„¢ Principles, Specific Problem Solving - e.g. supplier selection, Business Mindset, Marketing & Branding.
Mastermind is £200 per month for a minimum of 6 months.
Sustainable Fashion Mastermind
Trouble shooting and easy access consultancy

What is Fashion Mastermind
'Mastermind' is coaching you in your sustainable business success, keep in touch with calls, texts and ask questions as you go on your journey.
With mastermind we fill the skills gap in project management , product dev, sustainable brand dev and ethical / sustainable business dev .. so that you can create a well rounded platform to work from in stage 2 and beyond in your business.
Get introduced to the right partnerships that are a fit for your scale of production. No nonsense discussions where we are honest and open. Help you to build your critical path and hold you and your supply base to account. Realise the compromises that you have to make and the things that you may come across on the production journey, depending in your aspirations. Looking at designs and sharing the most optimal way to share and indeed design it for the supply base chosen.
What is included ?
For a 6 months mastermind - 4 one to one calls a month for 1 hour per call. What’s app text service to trouble shoot.
We don’t do the work for you, we do it with you and build your skill base on product, brand and design management.
Why 6 months ? It generally takes 6 months to land a collection - from start to finish.

To get on in building sustainability into your fashion business  - join fashion mastermind.

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