Black Friday and many were out grabbing a deal .. We kinda understand - everyone loves a bargain.
The issue is that is pushes up over consumption and over production .. which is great for the bank balance of the companies, for yours ? (ish - right) - but for sure If these items are linear then most of it is going to end up 'away' ... truth is if the item has not been designed for Circularity (and at the same time in a sustainable manner) - there is no away a next place needs to be designed in.
In our work towards creating 'Real Circularity' checking on the transparency and working with the market .. these are by far the most popular areas and most understood by our members and the companies we connect and work with - we will share more about our Academy and transparency understanding in due course .. We are going to apply even more of that in the next LIVE course - Feb 2025 ​
However - we always push the envelope to discuss the ''elephant in the room'' .. that you have to have growth of 'sustainable circularity' at the same pace (ideally even more ) as growth money wise in a company to actually be sustainable and circular(we are not even touching on regenerative models here).
Yes there are next gen materials and great ideas - But A are they fast enough and viable to current systems? and B are they actually sustainable or just less bad ? In the context of growth, locality and un-siloed measurements, what's going on?
Then theres the larger macro point why do we need Black Friday at all ? why does it exists?
To keep on the system going on - so we can put food on the table and a roof over our heads ? Where do the larger parts of all the margins really go ? We know it ain't all in our pockets? We maybe get a nice wage that we can go and spend ironically in Black Friday or the less fortunate of us just eek out a living - an 'existence'.
What if WE decided to create a flow of money that had a new integrity and worked towards equity and real living for more than a small amount? Would that be interesting?
I get that this is really new and interesting work perhaps to some a naive concept ... we are creating the new systems in small agile ways and as a community and testing in our Ecosystem Incubator - with a view to work with those examples in larger spaces over time .. To be a part of the Incubator - check it out here:​
We want to work on a system together that is more compelling than the one we have that creates Black Friday .. let's actually create a system that works for more - that thinks of the WE ... and that allows us all to open up to collaborative work.
To find out more about systems work - also join our Real Circularity Summit where the Buckminster Fuller Institute's director Stuart Cowen will be speaking and Allan Savory from the Savory institute as well as Cradle with Cradle certification will be making an appearance .. alongside some micro innovators and designers in fiber, product, the sharing economy and into Customer perception.. Sooo looking forward to that.
Do Join us for the Summit, The Academy , In the Ecosystem or set a virtual coffee meeting to discuss how we can work with you directly on your business.
PS -
(My personal View on Black Friday is to not support it .. However I also see that fighting it is only going to push us away - we must make systems that work more for the WE ... for all of us to have it be unnecessary )