A client said recently, that I am the snowball that moved his business forward. Let my enthusiasm for sustainable futures be your catalyst.
One thing that I stand for in terms of delivering sustainability for the citizen and indeed for the companies in which I help to transform, is to make life easy.
I am here with my many years of knowledge from within industry knowing the real challenges at both a down to earth practical and mindset level along with sustainable business development training and inner transformation techniques.
I see the new future as one where we are able to communicate with both the teams in the business itself & the consumer. Making it so easy for them to shift. In our making it easy we will not only interest our original customer but attract others who are interested in the transformation they see occurring. Creating new interest in what you are being as a brand.
Do I know everything? Well although someone last week called me a walking encyclopaedia – no I don’t know everything – however I do know others that will collaborate with me from the sustainable marketing side or materials science for instance to enrich my practice. I am a networking queen & I will know the right professional people to move on to a job to get things moving.
My strong points are working from within – organising people and things towards sustainable futures. Physical supply chain management, critical path management, design intention, sustainable transformation and coaching teams to understand ‘how to’, working within, creating a culture of understanding. Presenting an over-arching project management brain onto the sustainable future of your business.
Make life easy for yourself, use my brain and networks for your sustainable future.