Part of what I do is living sustainability as much as I possibly can in my own world. This does not always bode well with partners and children as you might think. Being sustainable right now requires thought for others, forward thinking, organisation & absolute steel willpower.
Most of all a oneness. A thought for our fellow humans that isn’t well ‘what about me ?’
What most sustainable people do is be the change we want to see in the world – cheese fest – I know, but the truth. Most sustainable people that I know would live it in some way – so that they can feel how it is in the journey. Hell I learn’t some brilliant soap and zero wasting tips from one of my wonderful friends bathroom, he has a selection of soap and glass cased beard oil to die for.
To me, to have as much integrity as I can in this stand is most important. If I cannot do it how can I expect anyone else to give a crap? So I use my sus cups – carry a canteen of things, teracycle my ‘kids’ crisp packets, eat Vegan and only buy second hand or sustainable garments. I could go on & on but I won’t because to most people that’s annoying – I get it. To everyone else I am being righteous & even middle class. Hands up.. I understand. Yes as my sister says I am a royal pain in the ass, granted – but someone has to be that.
Vintage has always been a love of mine, from my cousins hand me downs till present day.. I have no issue with using what is out there – it is the best way to be sustainable. It was born out of necessity in having nothing.
For the rest of the mere mortals – well I can only bring to them sustainability on a plate. This is how I see my consultancy – bringing it on a plate to the business’s creating so that in turn the customer is served with sustainable options, they don’t have to then be righteous or middle class .. they can be themselves in the knowledge that the item that you served Is full of integrity.
Circular Earth, Integrity in transformation