We wish you the best Christmas and New Year.. Christmas is a time to Pause and evaluate your business and life. Looking back and acknowledging our work, yet being present in the moment now for what's next. I find this time of year to be a great time to think, read and plan. I love this quote by Buckminster Fuller, his books are one of my inspirations ... take it into mind as you plan for your 2024...
''The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and those that follow.'' R.Buckminster Fuller
- Rachel -
At: Freshflow 23
Rachel Sheila Kan & Simon Hedley (Business partner)
We are really proud of what we have created in one short year with our Real Circularity work. We are excited about what we can create next. At the moment we are sending the books our for Christmas presents, gearing up for our Real Circularity Cohort 3 and working on new client proposals for 24.
We are enjoying this work alongside Ken Alston who worked on the original Cradle to Cradle who continues to inspire our work alongside my domain depth and New Economic stand.
The Real Circularity Academy has taken on its first sign ups, and again we are so happy to see so many professionals with a lot of experience in industry as well as graduates and seed start ups joining in. Get ready and join us for our January 17th start.
The Real Circularity book has been winging its way out to professionals in the US, UK and EU. The response has been positive, It is a quick and deep dive into our distinctions for super busy people. As a precursor to our Academy or Consulting it is a perfect gift for any one in the industry wanting to get started in Circularity.
You can also look at our consultancy for medium to large businesses.. link with me for a virtual coffee to discuss your options here: https://bookus.page/Simple/Rac...
At Circular Earth we have taken on some Deep Dive new year clients on Business Development in the Circular space, Focusing on positioning, marketing, Circularity and business dev for 2024. For your deep dive session do link win with us and set a virtual coffee and discuss your 2024 start.
One of our first deep dives will be with sharing economy brand Superlooper lIfe. If you have a loved one that has a baby/toddler or young child, take a look and grab a subscription for them - you can print out right up till Christmas Day.
For 2024 we will be working far more into offering a fuller service in physical design and development for business. Opening up our tool kit on innovation in relation to Circularity in the Fashion and interiors space. We would love to speak to anyone who wants to start iterating their products, Brands and business structures for a Circular future, where we use our Real Circularity distinctions to aid the process.
Have a look around our new site and get in touch if our consultancy or initiatives are within your scope for 2024
The Ecosystem Incubator is a Dynamic space to come together and co-create the future of fashion, for micro brands and players from seed through to store and back again in circularity.
We are really proud of the innovations and collaborations that have started to flourish from the Incubator. Collaboration takes a long time, or it can be a fast coming together of visionary entities to create something that together makes way more clout. Join us and co-create with your specialism, brand, factory or fiber.
The Ecosystem is now creating or should I say co-creating its first collaborative brands, ideas and initiatives .
The above photo is showcasing our first collaborative brand Sanja Stories, This was featured in London Fashion Week on the Regeneration catwalk show created by Safia Minney and her team. We are inviting the customer to be a part of the journey and work with us on our first run... we are looking for you to create a pre-order so that we can buy the fabrication and then you will be asked to join the community.
The cool thing is that we are going to help you to customise that in the best way to keep the item in the natural cycle and not to add toxins to it, for both wear and for the eventual end. The design is made to encourage longevity featuring adjustable waist and length - as well as modular knees.
Featured on Model: Dimitri
With Acknowledgement of Kishore Shah, Jo Salter, Claudia - Coveyduck, (Claudia Featured in the top feature image) Abhishekand the great pattern master Guru ji from Mishika Crafts .. for the first part of this great regenerative and circular initiative. Watch this space for a great podcast hosted by Jo Salter - link here to listen ..
We had a great session at Sustainable Fashion Week in Brighton, where The Ecosystem Incubator part sponsored the events including a catwalk.
We did a great panel discussion with Besma of Ethical Influencers &Jo Salter around Circularity from there sharing the book and the transparency and depth of Sanja Stories denim shown on the catwalk here.
Showcasing the work of our collaborative Sanja Stories, Love Big Coats, Roc Ethical, Bon and berg , The Evolving Wardrobe & Tai Rahman.
Watch the Video here:
As a part of an Incubator collaboration we co-created The Hemp Harvest Retreat with Contemporary Hempery. Showing that not all business needs to be created with actual product. This experience was a lesson to us all in just how hard it is to gather a fiber from a plant, but also how enjoyable it is. The scent of the hemp was glorious as we stripped the leaves ready for drying. The next day learning how to beat and scutch the dried stems into fibers.
We wish them all the luck for next years harvest and hope to be back there.
Our Love Big Coats collaboration has started to be noticed and you can order yours NOW ready for the winter months.
We have been testing them and really they are the warmest things ever, are great all year around for festivals through to freezing walks. We showcased at Blue Earth Summit, meeting IRL our collaborator Tent Share who gathers the sleeping bags from festival waste.
Thanks to all our Clients, Associates, Collaborators , Academy members, Ecosystem Members, new customers and Interns ..
We will see you in the new year for more Circular Collaborative Creation.
Rachel, Simon & Ken