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Circular Earth Connections

Join us on the Journey to sustainable, Circular and regenerative fashion futures

Welcome to Spring

Pictured above Contemporary Hempery .. In the collaborative The Ecosystem Incubator, we come together as micro brands, innovators like Claire and Kitty either in fibre/systems/circularity/collab brands/ streamlining/co-marketing for example.. to make business sense together.

If you are a micro business in any sense in sustainable fashion and are sick of being alone with it all - join our collaborative and come together to co-create business & collaborative advantage.

With Contemporary Hempery we are working on collaborative bus dev - to come together and create new systems, new home grown fibre ... a true regenerative business. Link here to learn more and connect with this create new business in fibre and textile creation.

For Brands, designers, garment tech, consultants, growers, CMT units, innovators, PHD students.

£10 per month

Want to add sustainability to your brand ? Too busy to create that ? We are the A-Team to get that complete for you / with you.Circularity is the new buzz word along with Regenerative, is that missing in your business ?

We have been working with our team and associate Ken Alston on our project ''Real Circularity'' welcome along to come to our forum for SME businesses who want to work towards Circularity.

We have created many forums now to showcase our work in whole systems Circularity - we are now looking for more clients to join our journey - which is a 12 month virtual training for SME business

OR a done for you bespoke consultancy

Of course if you have attended a forum and are ready to join the journey - sign up here

If you would like to build a bespoke plan - link with me for a virtual coffee to discuss your options.

Those who know lovely brands that would enjoy working with Real Circularity - we do offer an affiliate % if you introduce a client to us .. Please contact me to discuss and make the best intro.

We are looking for 20 smart people that would like to join our Real Circularity academy, training with Ken Alston and myself over a 3 month period during the summer ..

Join the academy here - it is a steal at £500 for the whole virtual course - and the opportunity to work with us over time as we gather Real Circularity clients.

- 3 month program - weekly virtual collective calls & lectures - Monthly circle groups - Access to our academy portal with all materials - Ask us as many questions as you like - Discount on our Real Circularity book - Access to all recordings - Opportunity to start working with us - as one person said ''we need more Kens and Rachels out there in the world.'' Thanks Fatith for the vote of confidence.

Connect with us or see the website button for details

At Circular Earth, we have successfully launched some start ups, like the amazing Rebel Patch here .. really interesting brands with our Master Mind program, 6 months to create your start up in sustainable fashion.

We are in conversations with bespoke clients and cannot share many of them yet - but for sure if you are an SME / larger business we have the teams in place to work with you on systems, circularity and sustainable development.

Many ask to ''pick my brains'' - as you can see as a business builder I cannot now create that for free- as my time was getting taken up - 31st May ..

So I have also created pick my brains sessions - where you can come and ask questions as a collective about your brand start up / sustainable idea or if you are looking to get into a career or transition into Circularity - join either Career or Brand surgery - Brain picking sessions £20 per session - or free to Incubator members

Many more things coming in May and the summer period as we continue to bloom and gather fruit - as we start to launch out on Ecosystem co-created brands, start more masterminds, Real Circularity journeys and of course The Real Circularity Academy.

Follow us on the respective social media

Insta @CircularEarth @Ecosystem_Incubator @RachelSheilaKan @RealCircularity

Twitter @livelife4future

Tik Tok @Rachel Sheila Kan

U tube Chanels of the same names ..

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