What would it be like to be ahead in the world of Circularity? Gather new prospects in your career, add new options to your consultancy or design with the elements of the future that will set you apart from the rest ?
This is what we have created Real Circularity foundations course - a place to work on your future and that of the world - not just for the 12 sessions but beyond as you will be invited to our live virtual Alumni sessions and our portal as well as join us for our Real Circularity Summit.
Join us in The Real Circularity Academy and work on your future here.

The Real Circularity Academy Course is now live and ready for new members
Join the Course here.. Get a taster of our work here
We have also Launched Academy for teams, to help businesses to coach their entire teams and become the implementors of Real Circularity.
You can also look at our consultancy for medium to large companies - and our academy for teams on www.RealCircularity.com
Earn straight away - Know someone who would love our Academy ? sign up to be an affiliate and get 10% for each sign up.

The Real Circularity Summit is now open to sign ups.. It is virtual and you can join from most places in the world live or sign up for VIP if you are out of the live timezone or want to gather the recordings. (suitable for timezones US, UK & INDIA).
With key note speakers from the head of circularity for google & Renewcell. Panel discussion from our projects, clients and partners.

The Ecosystem Incubator is a Dynamic space to come together and co-create the future of fashion.
Upgrade yourself by working into collaborative models, imagine bringing many skills and business together to create win wins in each arena.. got boost what you are doing with 5 different networks? To come together for a short or a longer time to work on common ground or simply find others and bring together collective intelligence.
This Collaborative works as one to co-create the future
The Ecosystem is now creating or should I say co-creating its first collaborative brands, ideas and initiatives .
The above video from Vestis Labs also collaborators in the Ecosystem showcasing our first collaborative brand Sanja Stories, We featured it in Pure London as an example to showcase what can really be done when mixing tech with tradition.
Pre Order here and be a part of the Community Buyers Club or go ahead and join our interest group to ask questions and find out about the product, business model and brand.
With Acknowledgement of Kishore Shah, Jo Salter, Claudia - Coveyduck, (Claudia Featured in the top feature image) Abhishek and the great pattern master Guru ji from Mishika Crafts .. for the first part of this great regenerative and circular initiative. Watch this space for a great podcast hosted by Jo Salter - link here to listen ..
'OUR' TEDx we finally found the footage! Rachel discusses the move from ME to WE and the workings of coming together in collaboration.

If you want to start with our foundational pillars and ideas, grab your copy of The Real Circularity Book.
We will be updating it over the next 3 years with all the projects and clients that we work with.

If you are looking for mentorship we have openings to train on a weekly basis on growing a brand, working on procurement and entrepreneurship as a coaching series.